bottom-unique - significado y definición. Qué es bottom-unique
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Qué (quién) es bottom-unique - definición

Unique visitor; Unique visits; Unique visitors; Unique users; Website visitor

In domain theory, a function f is bottom-unique if f x = bottom <=> x = bottom A bottom-unique function is also strict.
Unique user         
According to the IFABC Global Web Standards, a unique user (UU) is "an IP address plus a further identifier."- IFABC Web Standards The term 'unique user' may be used interchangeably with 'unique visitor' (see below).
Pensée unique         
La pensée unique; Unique thought; Single thought; Pensee unique; La pensee unique
"Pensée unique" (French for "single thought") is a pejorative expression for mainstream ideological conformism of any kind, almost always opposed to that of the speaker. Originally, it is a French expression and referred to claims that neoliberalism is the only correct way to structure society.


Unique user

Website popularity is commonly determined using the number of unique users, and the metric is often quoted to potential advertisers or investors. A website's number of unique users is usually measured over a standard period of time, typically a month.